
Théo Duez

Ph.D. Student
CNRS, Inria, Cermics
Paris, France

About me

I am a first-year PhD student under the supervision of Éric Cancès and Mathieu Lewin. My research focuses on developing a new formulation, new approximations, and novel numerical methods for Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (TDDFT) applied to molecules and materials.

My PhD is funded by the CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique) as part of the MaQuI project, under the “Risky and High-Impact Research Program” (RI).

I am also a member of the MATHERIALS team at Inria Paris.


More details in my cv.

Teaching Experience

Academic events


Adress :
CERMICS, École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées
6 et 8, av. Blaise Pascal
Cité Descartes – Champs-sur-Marne
77455 Marne-la-Vallée Cedex 2

Office location :

Email : theo.duez@enpc.fr